A Busy Day
We had a good turnout for our holiday dessert party today. Lots of desserts and other things made by staff and our patrons. The Thai food was new this year and of course Mary's punch was delicious as always. While milling around at the party I heard lots of people saying that they did not realize that we had this event. It has been our annual thank you to our patrons and the community for their support for the past five years. It's nice to know that we are still attracting new people. In addition to that we had big groups of parents and kids for morning and afternon story time. Just as we were finishing the clean up a student from the highschool came by unexpectedly to interview me about the library. I may eventually appear on the Viking cable channel. I hope Jeremy works some magic with his video editing skills. Thanks for the publicity!
Our Tree

I mentioned our Stella Wells Auction tree in the last post and did not include the picture. It only took about 2 hours for me to get the pictures in the last post the way that I wanted them and then when they were posted they still did not look right. I can't concentrate on this anymore, so I gave up and decided to include the third picture here. My html skills need some updating!
It's Beginning to Look Alot Like. . .

Snow yesterday and last night made for a pretty and extremely cold morning. I had to run out and take a couple of pictures before everything turned to a brown mush. We also received the Christmas tree donated by Friends of Parsons and purchased at the Stella Wells auction this weekend. Our tree this year was decorated by the Girl Scouts. We always look forward to the arrival of the tree and are so thankful to the anonymous donors who share it with us and the people who stop by the library. The money from the auction supports the Stella Wells basket fund which helps deliver food baskets to people in our community. Also, our holiday tasting party at the library is coming up next Wednesday from 11 - 2. I will post more on that later.
Audiobooks and Music
The ways that libraries provide access to materials and information continues to expand and change. This morning I received an email from the Kansas State Library about a two year pilot project called the Kansas Virtual Library. This new project would provide library patrons access to audiobooks and music downloads from Overdrive that would be accessible with the Kansas Library Card. This sounds exciting to me, but would you use it? If you did not have an MP3 player or your own computer, how could the library best provide access to this new service? Here are some thoughts from the Shifted Librarian on the topic.
If you do not have a Kansas Library Card and would like more information about it or this new pilot project just contact us (see sidebar on right).