Movie Night - The Thing in the Swamp

On Friday night we had 40 adults turn out for our scary movie night. This was almost twice the turnout as compared to our last adult movie night and took us by surprise. Luckily we were able to order more pizzas and borrowed some more drinks from the anime club's stash to feed our crowd. We watched two movies about a thing in a swamp. Thanks to everyone who joined us for a fun evening. For those adults who missed the event keep an eye out for future adult programs by checking our calendar of events.
The View from My Desk

My desk faces a big glass window and I can see the preschoolers as they come and go each week for story time. I can see their anticipation as they come in with their moms and their excitement as they check out books and movies and then leave the building. Usually I get to see them wearing their latest craft creations. Like this weeks Eiffel Tower hats. You can see more story time pictures on Flickr. Story time is for preschool children ages 3-6. It meets on Wednesdays at 10 am and 1 pm. There is an evening story time once a month. Call the library to sign up or if you have questions.
Book Talk Series: Memoirs of a Geisha

Our book discussion group met last Thursday with leader Sara Jane Richter of Oklahoma Panhandle State University. We had a very good discussion of the book, Memoirs of a Geisha and this time I had the camera along, so I have pictures. I also handed out a survey asking if we would like to continue having book discussions and in what format. At this time it appears that the majority of our participants would like to schedule another session with the Kansas Humanities Council for next spring. I will be working on that and provide an update once we have something definite. We meet again on Thursday, November 9 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the book The Chinese Gold Murders by Robert Van Gulik and our discussion leader will be Tom Lewis from Oklahoma Panhandle State University.

It is a time of transition at the library. Mary, our interlibrary loan librarian, is switching to part time so that she can spend more time with her family. Mary has worked at Parsons Public Library for 24 years starting out as a shelver, working at the front desk, answering reference questions and helping to plan adult programs. We will miss having her help us out in all of these areas. Samantha, who has worked evenings and weekends since the spring will be full time and is taking over some of Mary's duties as well as working at the front desk part of the time. Mary will be gone for the month of October, but will work part time just in the interlibrary loan department starting in November. In the meantime, if you need help getting a book from another library or have a question about your interlibrary loan request, please ask any librarian.